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Courtesy of Oatly




斯库克拉夫特与Oatly的CEO托尼·彼得森携手瑞典知名营销公司Forsman & Bodenfors,决心重新塑造新的品牌形象。他们认为,公司新的品牌审美应该回归质朴。“我们希望给人造成一种感觉,就是这些产品仿佛是在地下室里包装的一样。总之,我们希望它看起来并不像一个企业的品牌或者Logo”。




You can call Oatly a 25-year-old overnight success story. Founded by a food science professor, the Swedish oat milk company spent decades as a niche player in the plant-based beverage industry. But a few years ago, its profile began to rise, first in Europe and now in the U.S. As if overnight, the company was being mentioned everywhere, including a buzzy feature in The New York Times. Not bad for a company who only fully entered the U.S. market in early 2017.

A number of factors helped facilitate Oatly’s ascent from obscure product to cultural phenomenon: the product is tasty (buttery and rich are common descriptors), and the overall plant-based milk sector is booming. But if not for a major rebranding five years ago, the company would likely still be flying under the radar.

In 2013, John Schoolcraft was brought on as creative director to breath new life into the look and feel of the company. Schoolcraft didn’t know anything about oat milk, and the company’s packaging didn’t do much to enlighten him. “It was uninspiring and boring,” he says. “It looked like everything else.”

Schoolcraft and Oatly CEO Toni Petersson worked with the Swedish agency Forsman & Bodenfors to overhaul the brand. The new aesthetic was deliberately unvarnished. “We wanted it to feel like we were making these packages in the basement,” Schoolcraft says. “The whole idea was for it to not look and feel like a corporate logo or brand.”

The type and images featured on the packaging were hand-drawn by Lars Elfman, a creative at Forsman & Bodenfors. Schoolcraft was responsible for coming up with the copy, which combined stream-of-consciousness musings with earnest but casual explanations of the product and the company’s mission.

“IT’S LIKE MILK BUT MADE FOR HUMANS,” reads one tagline, followed by a description of oat milk.(来源:财富中文网)


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本文标题:小公司如何塑造大品牌 - 热点


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