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Photograph by Jacob Kepler — Bloomberg via Getty Images




鉴于矿藏几乎在水下4英里(6.44公里)处,开采是个问题。但研究结果公布后,相关公司的股价大幅上涨。从那时算起,海洋钻井公司日本海洋掘削(Japan Drilling)已上扬13%,离岸浮动平台制造和运营商Modec的股价也上升了5%。





Every day, we use products that are built using “rare earths”—a group of 17 elements that are, as the name suggests, very rare. They’re used to make everyday items such as rechargeable batteries, LED lights and display panels, as well as larger products such as wind turbines.

  Now, it turns out, Japan has an estimated 16 million tons of the stuff on its turf. And researchers claim the trove might be enough to supply the world with metals such as yttrium and europium on a “semi-infinite basis.”

  According to research published in Nature on April 10, the new stash of rare earths is located in deep-sea mud off the tiny island of Minamitori, some 1,150 miles southeast of Tokyo in the north Pacific.

  Getting at the resources will be an issue, given that they’re almost four miles underwater. However, after the research came out, shares in relevant companies soared. Since then, Japan Drilling is up 13% and Modec , a Japanese supplier and operator of offshore floating platforms, is up 5%.

  “It is important to secure our own source of resources, given how China controls the prices,” said Yutaro Takaya, the Waseda University professor who led the study, as quoted by the Wall Street Journal.

  “These elements are critical for future generations of technology and Tokyo responded [to China’s 2010 actions] by immediately seeking out new sources, including Mongolia, in order to secure shipments and maintain Japan’s technological edge,” Stephen Nagy of Tokyo’s International Christian University told the South China Morning Post.



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本文标题:财经早餐:发现海底稀土矿,日本的科技前景变得更光明 - 热点


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